Donation of Nature Trail Benches to Share Discovery Centre

As part of the Executive Offices Central Good relations Funded programme, Together: Building United Communities, the cross community members of Lisnaskea Men’s Shed have constructed ‘upcycled’ green wood to make outdoor benches for the forest trails at Share Centre.

The benches are held together without any metal screws using only wood carving techniques and glue. The benches were finished in Yacht varnish to withstand all weathers.

Anne McAdam, Chairperson of Erne East Community Partnership, commented ‘that it was wonderful to see the men coming together in a shared space with a shared purpose of using fallen down trees from local woodlands to make such beautiful products for donation to a sister charity. She also thanked The Executive Office for providing the funding to develop shared spaces for men from different community backgrounds coming together in purposeful activities.’

Darragh Collins, CEO of Share Discovery Village thanked the Oak Healthy Living Centre for facilitating the donation, the products will be used by all users of Share Discovery Village, NI largest accessible residential activity centre, based on the shores of Upper Lough Erne just outside Lisnaskea.

Oak Healthy Living Centre under the auspices of Erne East Community Partnership Ltd is a registered charity and provides a range of community based health promoting/preventative programmes. As one of these programmes, Lisnaskea Men’s Shed is funded by the Executive Office and this funding is vital for the sustainability and future work of the cross community project.

Challenging times

The last 18 months have been a challenging time for us all and we cannot underestimate the impact Covid-19 has had on the well-being of our community but there are hopes of better days to come.  We have all adapted to a new way of connecting and engaging and for the last 18 months we have delivered lots of courses and support on-line, via telephone and social media platforms but we are now delighted to be able to re open the centre and start our face to face delivery.

We look forward to welcoming you all back but of course there are restrictions which are in place to ensure safety for you and our staff. Please be aware that booking is essential for all our courses along with complying with COVID safety guidelines, track and trace etc and our staff as always are on hand to help and support you in making this process as easy to use as possible.

We have responded to the growing need in our community for additional mental health and well being supports and have been able to provide therapies and other initiatives due to the kindness and generosity generated from local fund-raising events. We are extremely grateful for this support.

Micheál Mowen, Manager.

Co-Dependents Anonymous

This evening at 7:30pm, the Oak Healthy Living Centre is launching a new meeting called “Co-Dependents Anonymous”.  It is a program of recovery from co-dependence, where each of us may share our experience, strength and hope in our efforts to find freedom where there has been bondage, and peace where there has been turmoil, in our relationships with others and ourselves.

For more information about Co-Dependents Anonymous, please visit the website

Social Car Scheme

Social Car Scheme
This service is available to anyone who has restricted mobility or lives in an isolated area not served by public transport, the scheme is delivered by volunteer drivers who will provided transport to health appointments, shopping, Post Office.

Just give us a ring to avail of the service.

The Stepping On programme

This programme offers older people a way of reducing falls and at the same time increasing self confidence in situations where they are at risk of falling. Falls are a serious problem, but can be prevented at any age. This evidence based programme has been built upon significant work that has been undertaken by the Public Health Agency.

To register interest for the next programme 25th September 2017 please telephone:
Davina on 028 677 23843 to find out more.