SPRING Social Prescribing

What is it?

Social Prescribing acts as a link between the health service and the community.

A referral to a Spring Social Prescriber is available through your GP, Primary Healthcare Professional or pharmacist for anyone aged 18 and above.

This service is for people who are interested in and would like some support and guidance to find out more about local community support programmes and activities which could have a positive impact on health and well-being and complement and support the existing statutory services.

Referrals may be for those who feel socially isolated, have low mood, are living with long term conditions or those who would like to be more physically active.

We offer a 1:1 meeting and spend some time identifying individual needs (often social or emotional needs) before agreeing suitable referrals and if required support to attend groups or activities. We aim to work collaboratively with clients and referrers to find non-medical solutions to improve health and stay healthy.

We connect people to a wide range of services available in the local area ranging from individual health and well-being plans, stress management classes, debt management, falls prevention, exercise classes and many others.

We encourage and support people to make the decisions about their own health and what they need to improve their well-being.

Accessing Social Prescribing Services

If you feel you could benefit from a Social Prescription, contact your local Social Prescriber for more information on the referral process. www.springsp.org or download and complete our Referral Form

Geraldine Morgan

Social Prescriber

Oak Healthy Living Centre

E: Geraldine.Morgan@OakHLC.com

T: 07593446209