Download September to December 2023 Programme
The Oak Healthy Living Centre based in Lisnaskea, County Fermanagh, was founded in order to positively impact the physical and mental health of the inhabitants of the Erne East area, and beyond. By working with the community to design and implement a range of initiatives promoting well-being and healthy lifestyles, reducing trauma and encouraging social development.
This website has been created to aid the local community in finding information about past and future activities planned and overseen by the Oak Healthy Living Centre.
You can see a few of our upcoming events opposite/below or find a calendar of Upcoming Events. If you wish to contact us via phone, fax or in person, you can find all the information you need on the Contact page.
Upcoming Events
Featured projects

SPRING – Social Prescribing
Social Prescribing is for people who are interested in and would like some support and guidance to find out more about local community support programmes and activities which could have a positive impact on health and well-being and complement and support the existing statutory services.

Darkness Into Light
Many people in the local area have been badly affected by suicide. In response we set-up a suicide support group and run Darkness into Light events to raise awareness and show solidarity with those affected.
Stepping On Programme
The Stepping on Programme offers balancing & Strengthening exercises for Older People which can help to reduce falls and at the same time increase self confidence in situations where they are at risk of falling.
Falls are a serious problem and can even on occasions be fatal, however falls can be prevented at any age.
Stepping on presents an evidence based exercise programme called OTAGO which aims to strengthen muscles and improve balance which helps reduce falls.